8 Ways to earn money as a Student

Santhusha Janana Mudannayaka
8 min readJan 19, 2023


Earning as a student

In my previous article, I discussed the topic “How to take Coursera paid courses for FREE 😮?”. If you didn’t read it yet, click here to know how to grow on LinkedIn.

In this article, I would like to tell you about “8 Ways to earn money for Students”

1. Freelancing


Freelancing is a great way for students to make money while still in school. Whether you’re a writer, editor, graphic designer, or programmer, there are plenty of opportunities for you to offer your skills and services to clients online.

One of the best platforms for freelancing is Upwork. It is a website that connects freelancers with clients from all over the world. You can create a profile, list your skills and experience, and start bidding on projects that match your expertise. Upwork offers many opportunities, from writing and editing to graphic design and programming.

Another platform for freelancing is Fiverr. It is a marketplace for freelancers to offer their skills and services to clients. You can create a profile and list your services, such as writing, editing, graphic design, or programming. Clients can then browse through the marketplace and hire you for their projects.

When freelancing, it’s important to set clear expectations with your clients, establish a schedule, and meet deadlines. Additionally, be sure to communicate clearly and professionally, and be open to feedback. With a bit of hard work and persistence, freelancing can be a great way to make money while still in school.

2. Tutoring


Online tutoring is also a great way for students to make money. By sharing your knowledge and helping students with their homework and studies, you can earn money while doing something you’re passionate about.

There are many online tutoring services available, such as Chegg, TutorMe, and Brainfuse. These platforms allow you to create a profile and list your qualifications and areas of expertise. Students can then browse through the marketplace and hire you for one-on-one tutoring sessions.

When it comes to online tutoring, it’s important to have a strong understanding of the subject matter you’ll be teaching. Additionally, you should be able to explain complex concepts in a clear and concise manner and be able to adapt to different learning styles. Being able to use digital tools and platforms for teaching is also essential.

It’s also important to be organized and have good time management skills, as you’ll likely have several students to work with at once. You can work on your own schedule and you can work from the comfort of your home, which gives you flexibility.

3. E-commerce


E-commerce is a popular way to make money. By using platforms like Etsy or Amazon, you can sell homemade crafts, clothing, or other items and reach a global audience.

Etsy is a popular marketplace for handmade goods, vintage items, and craft supplies. It’s easy to set up a shop and start selling your items, and the platform has a large and engaged community of buyers. You can list your items, set your own prices, and handle the shipping and handling of your products.

Amazon is one of the largest e-commerce platforms in the world, and it offers a variety of ways to sell your products. You can sell items as a third-party seller, or you can use their Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) service, which allows you to store your products in Amazon’s warehouses and have them ship directly to customers.

When it comes to e-commerce, it’s important to have a clear understanding of your target market and to create high-quality product listings with clear and detailed descriptions, and good-quality photos. Additionally, you should be able to handle the business side of things, such as managing inventory and finances and handling customer service.

4. Investing


In simple words, Investing means spending your money, time, or effort for expecting better feedback or outcome. Even as a student, you can start investing.

Fixed deposits, high-yield savings accounts, and investing in Stocks, Cryptocurrencies are common methods among students nowadays. Apart from that, you can learn new ways of investing through your own research.

5. Youtubing


YouTube is a popular platform for video content. With hard work and creativity, you can build a successful YouTube channel and earn money from advertising, sponsored content, and merchandise sales.

To start, you’ll need to create a YouTube account and begin creating and uploading videos. It’s important to have a clear understanding of your target audience and to create content that is engaging, informative, and entertaining. Additionally, you should be able to optimize your videos for search and promote them through social media and other online platforms.

Once you’ve built up a sizable audience, you can start monetizing your channel by enabling ads, partnering with brands for sponsored content, and selling merchandise. YouTube also has a feature called YouTube Partner Program, which allows creators to earn money through ads, sponsorships, and other revenue streams.

It’s important to note that it takes time and effort to build a successful YouTube channel. You’ll need to be consistent in your content creation, have a good understanding of the platform, and be able to grow and engage your audience. Additionally, you should be familiar with the policies and guidelines of YouTube and the FTC for sponsored content and disclosure.

6. Build a Startup/Business


Building a startup or business as a student can be a great way to make money while still in school. With hard work, creativity, and strong business acumen, you can turn your ideas into a profitable venture.

The first step in building a startup or business is to come up with a unique idea that solves a problem or fills a need in the market. Once you have an idea, you’ll need to conduct market research to validate your concept and create a business plan that outlines your objectives, target market, and financial projections.

Next, you’ll need to secure funding for your startup or business. This can be done through a variety of methods such as crowdfunding, angel investors, or venture capital. Many universities also have programs and resources for student entrepreneurs, such as incubators and accelerators, which can provide funding and mentorship.

Once your startup or business is up and running, it’s important to stay organized and manage your finances effectively. Additionally, you should be able to adapt to changes in the market and be willing to take calculated risks.

Starting a business while still in school can be challenging, but it can also be an incredibly rewarding experience. It allows you to gain valuable experience and skills, and it can also provide a source of income while still in school.

7. Publish your works


Whether you’re a writer, illustrator, or photographer, there are many opportunities to share your work and earn money through different publishing platforms and channels.

One of the most popular ways to publish your work is through self-publishing platforms such as Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP). These platforms allow you to publish your e-books and print books and reach a global audience. Additionally, you can also publish your work on platforms like Smashwords, which distributes e-books to various e-retailers such as Apple, Barnes & Noble, and Kobo.

Another way to make money by publishing your works is through stock photography and illustration websites such as Shutterstock, iStock, and Getty Images. These platforms allow you to upload your photos and illustrations and earn a percentage of each sale.

For writers, submitting their works to literary magazines and online publications can also be a way to get paid for your writing. Many publications pay for submissions and also give you bylines.

When it comes to publishing your work, it’s important to have a clear understanding of the platforms and channels available and to market your work effectively. Additionally, you should be willing to learn about the business side of publishing, such as book formatting, pricing, and distribution.

8. Hackathons


Participating in hackathons and competitions as a student can be a great way to make money, gain knowledge, and also upgrade your own skills. These events provide an opportunity to showcase your skills and creativity, and can also lead to valuable networking opportunities and prize money.

Hackathons are events where participants come together to solve a problem or create a project in a limited amount of time. Many hackathons have a specific theme or challenge, and often offer prizes for the best solutions or ideas. Some hackathons are organized by universities, while others are organized by companies and organizations.

Competitions are similar to hackathons, but they tend to have a longer timeline and focus on a specific skill or area of expertise. For example, there are competitions for coding, design, and business planning.

When it comes to participating in hackathons and competitions, it’s important to research the event and understand the rules and guidelines. Additionally, you should be able to work well in a team and be able to present your ideas effectively.

Participating in hackathons and competitions can be a great way to gain valuable experience, skills, and recognition. Additionally, many hackathons and competitions offer prize money and networking opportunities, which can lead to further opportunities and collaborations.

*** Extra-tip ***

If you think you can not go with any of the above-mentioned ways, I think your best decision would be to learn a new skill that can make more money in the near future. In this case, you should do your own research and select a new skill that best suits you.

If you like to have top-level education from reputed institutions with Free certificates, Read my last article on “How to take Coursera paid courses for FREE 😮?”

Open to your responses. I hope to talk to you in my next article . . .
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Santhusha Janana Mudannayaka

Engineering Undergraduate at University of Moratuwa | Tech & Startup Enthusiast | Writer | Volunteer