Save $ 30,000 using GitHub 🤑

Santhusha Janana Mudannayaka
4 min readJun 3, 2022


GitHub Student Developer Pack
GitHub Student Developer Pack

In my previous two articles, I brought you about “17 Google products that have been built for Developers” as Part 1 and Part 2.

In this article, I would like to tell you about a great opportunity you can get while you are a student, called “GitHub Student Developer Pack”.

GitHub Student Developer Pack
GitHub Student Developer Pack

You can have access to resources worth more than $ 30,000 for free being a student. Believe me, after reading the article you will get the key to material worth $ 30,000. Read the article to the end to find out the key and thank me later.

Github Student Developer Pack is a collection or bundle of different tools, software, and services provided by GitHub and its partners. So, after you got accepted for Github Student Developer Pack, you can now explore valuable offers provided by them.


  1. How to eligible?
  2. How to apply?
  3. Benefits of Github Student Developer Pack (What’s inside?)
  4. Expiration and Renewal of Github Student Pack
  5. What’s next?

1. How to eligible?

GitHub Student Developer Pack
GitHub Student Developer Pack

To qualify for Student Developer Pack, you must fulfill the following requirements:

  • Be currently enrolled in a degree or diploma-granting course of studies such as a high school, secondary school, college, university, homeschool, or similar educational institution.
  • Have a verifiable school-issued email address or upload documents that prove your current student status.
  • Have a GitHub user account.
  • Be at least 13 years old.

Offer availability:

  • All partner offers are subject to the partner company’s terms and conditions and may not be available in all regions.

If you fulfill all these requirements you can apply for Github Student Developer Pack

2. How to apply?

If you are eligible to apply for Github Student Developer Pack you can simply apply by going to this link.

Github Student Developer Pack Application
Github Student Developer Pack Application

You will get an application like the above. So, you have to simply fill it out and submit it. You must use your email address that uses for school. Unless you won’t get this opportunity. Students must also mention their purpose in using the pack. The application must include all the necessary information, including the school name and address.

If you got accepted you will receive a confirmation email within 6 days, Like below.

Confirmation email by GitHub
Confirmation email by GitHub

3. Benefits of Github Student Developer Pack

Benefits of Github Student Developer Pack
Benefits of Github Student Developer Pack

An Accepted Student considers a GitHub Global Campus student! He/She can now explore valuable offers provided by GitHub’s partners in the GitHub Student Developer Pack.

List of GitHub Student Developer Pack partners offers

Now He/She has access to GitHub Pro Account and so many other valuable GitHub Student Developer Pack partner offers. Just follow this to know what are the offers.

Here, I have listed down some categories you can have offers:

  1. Cloud
  2. Design
  3. Developer tools
  4. Domains
  5. Game development
  6. Infrastructure & APIs
  7. Internet of Things
  8. Learn
  9. Marketing
  10. Mobile
  11. Productivity
  12. Security & analytics
  13. Virtual Events
GitHub Student Developer Pack partner offers
GitHub Student Developer Pack partner offers

There are lots of products we can explore in the pack which is worth more than $ 30,000. We can create various products like Apps, Web Apps, Designs, and APIs using the GitHub student pack.

If you got your GitHub Student Developer Pack, don’t forget to get the best out of that. Because you have received very valuable resources.

4. Expiration and Renewal of Github Student Pack

Students who are in school can enjoy free access to Github and other open-source projects. Students can reclaim these benefits by verifying their student status. Github Student Pack expires once your student life or your college finishes as you need to submit your identity card or certificate for the application process.

5. What’s next?

If you are happy with those things and still like to continue, you can apply for GitHub Campus Expert training.

GitHub Campus Expert
GitHub Campus Expert

Explore and research to learn more…

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